The Night Before My Dream Comes True

2015 - Carl HunterIt’s now 4:07 a.m. and I am having a challenge getting myself to go to sleep.  My body wants to sleep but my mind is racing big time with the anticipation of possibilities that are about to start happening.

I am feeling inspired to express myself on this very unique and special occasion.  In a few hours I will be introducing MindFlavors® to the world.  This is a day that I dreamed about since I first started learning about how to program my subconscious mind decades ago, and how amazingly powerful we are as humans.

Since then I have conducted thousands of experiments and have seen things I didn’t know were even possible.  I have learned to view my world through the eyes of infinite possibility.  I have set desires into motion and observed magnificent orchestrations of Divine manifestation unfold before my very eyes hundreds and hundreds of times.  However, the results I’ve been personally experiencing and seeing others experience with MindFlavors® have already surpassed all of my expectations in a big way.

After all these years I still feel that the best is yet to come, and we’ve only scratched the surface of what is possible, and right around the corner!

During the last year one of my mentors kept saying to me, “One idea can change your life”.  That statement kept rolling around in my mind over and over again.

While that was going on, I became interested in exploring Sacred Geometry as a means to facilitate the expansion of my brainpower and my abilities to focus and manifest more effectively.  As I was working with the static shapes and symbols I got an idea!  At first it was a simple idea and I kind of put it in the back of my mind to ponder, until I could make some time to experiment with it.

After a couple of months went by I decided to sit down and start building my new experiment.  This was on April 9, 2015.  Once I created my first rough draft I started using it myself and I was thrilled with how it made me feel.  I couldn’t stop thinking about it and in no time I become completely obsessed with it.

I have been working on it daily since then and after creating hundreds and hundreds of versions in the developmental stage, refining it with feedback from a group of beta testers, I am now making it available to everyone.

I honestly believe this technology can dramatically uplift humanity into a new age of awareness and expansion of our capabilities.  I am so pleased with the results and I’m very excited to watch this unfold on a global scale.

Here we go!