August 1, 2015

Creator Of MindFlavors®

Carl Hunter ~ Creator Of MindFlavors® 

What inspired the invention of this powerful and life-elevating technology?

If you would like to have The MindFlavors® Experience…
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“Activating new neural pathways in your brain using the MindFlavors® technology is the single most important thing you can do to unlock higher powers of your subconscious mind and quickly get rid of limiting mental patterns so you can easily manifest what you love.

I believe there is a genius inside each one of us that can be brought forth through re-programming our subconscious minds. It can be easy and fun. My dream is for everyone to be free from limited thinking, so we can all fully awaken and experience our genuinely magnificent potential… both individually and collectively.”

Carl Hunter

The creator of MindFlavors® is Carl Hunter, an artist and entrepreneur originally from southern California.  He began the self development journey as a young child by seeking ways to improve his own behavior in order to get better results in all areas of his life.

He started pursuing it seriously in 1987 when he discovered a powerful method to reprogram his own subconscious mind.

This led to him achieving his dreams by the age of 31, of traveling around the world, getting into the diamond business, and moving to the Virgin Islands, where he spent almost 10 years enjoying the tropical island life before moving to New York City to pursue his art career.

Since the day he made these amazing discoveries, Carl has always been passionate about sharing them with the world. 

Carl has shared some of these powerful methods with others who have used them to elevate their lives in significant ways, like increasing intelligence, having more self confidence, having improved love relationships, improving health and well being, sleeping better, strengthening physical fitness, successfully starting and growing a booming business, becoming a top sales producer, attracting more prosperity, making their 1st $10,000 month, making their 1st million dollar year and achieving 1 million dollars in net worth, winning motorcycle races, winning political elections, winning legal cases, winning golf tournaments, winning in school elections, winning contests, and much more.

The benefit of exercise to our physical bodies is widely accepted in society today, but how do we best exercise our minds for maximum potential gain and exponential evolution of our consciousness, with minimal effort?  He repeatedly asked himself this question.

In early 2015, while continuing to pursue even faster and more powerful methods for transformation and expansion, Carl discovered some ancient power secrets.  Using these new found ideas, he invented and developed a brand new technology that has trumped all of his previous Carl On Beach 01techniques for awakening consciousness and harnessing the tremendous power of our subconscious minds.

For years now Carl Hunter has worked passionately to refine this new technology that is revolutionizing the way we focus and manifest. He uses a synergistic approach combining his new breakthrough discoveries with the most effective modalities of positive mind conditioning available today, to continually evolve this highly accelerated, consciousness expanding technology called MindFlavors®.